Topic: Talent Management: a tool for enhancing retention, employee engagement and organizational performance in the Caribbean banking sector
Citation Style: Harvard Volume: 8 pages Spacing: double. Type of Work: Research Paper- literature review Subject: Business Paper Description: This is Chapter 2 of the Research Paper – The Literature Review. See the attached file to know more. Critical Literature Review THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TALENT MANAGEMENT AND RETENTION REFERENCES Amoozadeh H., N. Najmi, G. R. Eghlima, E. Soltani (2015), A Review on the Effect of Talent Management on the Employees’ Organizational Performance (Case Study: Employees of Education in Abdanan City) International Journal of Review in Life Sciences 5(4)
Talent Management: a tool for enhancing retention, employee engagement and organizational performance in the Caribbean banking sector
• Globally
• The Caribbean
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