The use of social Media in event education
Abstract Chapter 1 Introduction and Background Chapter 2 Literature review
Purpose of the dissertation
Over the years, event management has been practiced all around the world. According to Bladen and Kennell (2013), event management has been regarded as a project management application that has involved the creation and development of events on a large scale. Taking this into consideration, it is important to ascertain whether this form of media can be an important element in event education. In addition, Kenett (2014) asserts that over the years, event management, especially for large events, has been a very complex process that requires great skills and expertise. These presents the need for the provision of education on a large-scale platform. Therefore, this paper sought to determine the use of social media on the events education.
Design/methodology/approach used in the study
For this research study, the researcher employed a mixed methodology to address the research material. The research study was to evaluate the use of social media in events education programs. In this case, the research was to address the following research questions: How has the event education market developed over the last decade, how can the social media be useful in event education and what are the important elements of social media in event education. The results obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis.
The study Findings
The study results identified that social media was majorly used by many individuals and that sites such as Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest Facebook, and LinkedIn being the common platforms. More so, the research found out that with the use of the internet, the events education had grown tremendously in the past decade with many people now being able to attend events without being physically present.
Originality/value and implications of the study
This study would be significant in a number of areas. The researcher noted that the findings would create an avenue for many events management teams to develop interest in using social media platforms in engaging in events education programs. The study will help identify the major social media platforms that are used by people, which in turn will be helpful in identifying the market for events education. Furthermore, the study could help event organizers identify the various methods of controlling the audiences during an event.
However, this study found that not all the procedures involved in events education ran smoothly, especially using the internet. In this case, the researcher noted a number of issues that needed further research. For instance, the researcher identified that while social media had grown, the regulatory bodies still had created problems for the event organizers. For instance, the researcher recommends more research on the policies created by the governing institutions on the issues of events education.
1.1 Introduction
Based on the information presented by ockyer and Patterson (2008) and Walsh (2013), it is evident that the technology around the world has significantly changed. Walsh (2013) noted that with the dynamism of the current world, technology has grown not only in technologies involved with machines and in other areas, but communication systems have seen a great improvement in the recent past. More so, it is evident that communication systems have had the bigger share of the advancements with the growth of social media seen to be an advantage in many sectors (Ajjan and Hartshorne, 2008). Many research analysts have given more concentration on the development of social media while forgetting its influence on significant areas such as education (Toprak et al., 2009). However, much focus has been directed to the influence that social media has on education, marketing, economics among other areas. Additionally, today, the social media has gained widespread use all across the world. Currently, there are more than a billion people making use of social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram (Bukhari et al, 2012). At the same time, millions of people visit the social media sites for various reasons. Therefore, with the fact that the social media can be very useful on various fronts, event education has seen had a bigger share of the significance. Today, there are various institutions offering courses in management of events. In addition, there are many societies and classes involved in the provision of event management education (Albion, 2007 & Bartlett-Bragg, 2006). As a matter of fact, the author notices that with an advanced technology, the use of social media has seen events management grow in levels that are attracting the attention of organizers across the world. More so, it is important to look at how the social media is employed in events education systems.
1.2 Background to the study
Based on Bukhari et al. (2012)’s literature, social media has developed in various ways that it is not only used for socialization purposes but is a significant educational medium. Bukhari et al. (2012) specifically points out at the provision of event management education. According to Page (2014), events education programs include those seen in control of licenses, human relations, glamor identity, and studies on how events management can be done by teachers and tutors on this field of study. More so, these programs include addressing areas such as how to make the presentations to the audience such as the use of graphics and pictures while addressing topics such as catering, public relations and addressing current issues to the students involved (Bukhari et al., 2012). On the other hand, according to Bladen and Kennell (2013), event management involves ensuring that an entire process has been a success right from the planning stage to its completion. Therefore, one needs to know how to do this procedures and the only way is through education. They further states that the whole process includes preparing budgets, scheduling, selection of a site, acquisition of the right permits, arranging for entertainers and speakers, as well as catering activities. In order for all these activities to be carried out, according to Yeoman and Robertson (2014), there is a need for proper event education. This form of education involves letting people know that a certain event will be carried out at a particular place and date, the methods of presenting the programs and the areas in social media that can be used for such systems. It is therefore significant to understand how a teacher can employ the systems of events education and pass knowledge on events management to students.
1.3 The research problem
Over the years, event management has been practiced all around the world. According to Bladen and Kennell (2013), event management has been regarded as a project management application that has involved the creation and development of events on a large scale. However, for these practices to be performed efficiently there is a need for education and training on the management of events (Pettenati and Ranieri, 2006). According to Bukhari et al. (2012), there has been a constant growth of social media use in the world. For this reason, it has become an element of the modern society that cannot be ignored. People of different gender, age and ethnicity are making use of the social media for interaction (Bukhari et al., 2012). This has therefore made the social media be a significant tool for education, particularly events education. More so, Walsh (2013) and Ferdig (2007) see that the use of social media in event education involves teaching people on how one can create events that are buzz worthy. Therefore, the author found it significant to investigate how social media is a significant element in events education.
1.4 Rationale (reason for the study)
Considering the increased use of social media technologies, it is important to ascertain whether this form of media can be an important element in event education. In addition, Kenett (2014) asserts that over the years, event management, especially for large events, has been a very complex process that requires great skills and expertise. These presents the need for the provision of education on a large-scale platform (Boyd and Ellison, 2007). On the other hand, Bukhari et al. (2012) acknowledges that there is a significant rise in the use of social media around the world. It is, therefore, obvious to consider the use of this media system in education systems. The greatest issue is whether this process can be made easier (Laghari, Yahia and Crespi, 2009). With the use of social media, it can be easy to ascertain whether it can make the process easier. Zhou (2014) identified that many of the events that are formed contain an event website. Under this website, the event organizers let the consumers know what the event is about. This creates concern on how the use of social media has been involved in events education. The use of pictures, videos and other graphics need people to be shown how this can be done on social media and at the end of the day, an events organization is done smoothly via social media.
1.5 Aims and objectives of the study
This research study sought to determine the following research objectives:
1. To examine how event education has evolved in the last decade.
2. To examine important elements of social media in event education
1.6 Research questions
For this dissertation, the central question for this research was; is social media an important element in event education?
Furthermore, he specific questions developed for the study were:
1. How has the event education market developed over the last decade?
2. How can the social media be useful in event education?
3. What are the essential elements of social media in event education?
1.7 The relevance of the study
This research study will present the significant factors that identify the importance of social media to the world. Additionally, the study will show the significance of providing events education using social media. Moreover, with the determination of social media systems, the study will present the techniques that can be employed when using the social media in other areas of education. In addition, this study will present new techniques that teachers and students can use to enhance their education. Furthermore, this study will elaborate the different social media platforms that readers can use in educational discussions.
1.8 Structure of the dissertation
Chapter 1 introduces the study and provides the research questions examined during the study. This chapter presents the relevance of the study while presenting the objectives made for the research. Chapter 2 deals with the study literature by showing the different presentations and reports made about the study. This chapter will address the research objectives by providing a critical analysis of the studies done on each of the objectives. Chapter 3 deals with the research methodology. This section defines the role of the researcher in this study. Furthermore, this chapter will address the research approach developed for the study. This is followed by Chapter 4, which introduces the analysis technique of data based on the results obtained and their relationship to the research questions. An in-depth discussion on the project is done in chapter five. Finally, Chapter Six concludes with a consideration of the implications and suggestions for future research initiatives.
2.1. Events management education
Events management education has been offered in various schools around the world for several years (The guardian, 2007). As a matter of fact, the report in the guardian (2007) addresses the development of the graduate programs related to Events management education in various universities and colleges in UK. For instance, among the colleges mentioned, Oxford University and Leeds Metropolitan college are specifically mentioned by the interviwees involved in the study. For instance, in the magazine, an interviewee, Duncan Reid, said that it is evident that the events management industry has grown significantly in Uk, with many residents getting to join colleges for the education programs. Actually, the report by the guardian (2007) suggests that students need to know how to get attention from audiences and learn how to be social and out-going. On the other hand, such courses on events management have been noted in several colleges in Australia (, 2015). The reports by (2015) also show several countries such as Switzeland, France, Denmark and Canada having colleges designed to offer courses in events education. For instance, colleges such as Williams Anglich Institute in Melbourne, Australia, the SHMS Swiss Huber School of management in Caux, Switzeland have been mentioned to offer these education programs (, 2015). Despite the presentations suggesting an agreement on the colleges around the world, not all offer the same combination of the course work. A more appropriate example is provided by the (2015) that shows how these colleges offer the programs. The report show that the combinations range from events management and marketing, events education and logistics, events education and hospitality, amongst other combinations (, 2015). These presentations agree that the courses offered help individuals need to know how to use the basic logistics of organizing events (the guardian, 2007). The guardian (2007) says that the courses, such as those offered in the University of Westmister offer the programs to help learners understand marketing, health and safety issues and areas to do with catering. Increasingly, the reports show that many schools are focusing on developing the industry through provision of courses. Moreover, these presentations by the authors suggest that events education has significantly grown in the last decade, especially with a large number of people getting to attend the schools that offer such courses (, 2015; the guardian, 2007).
2.2. How event education has developed in the last decade
In recent years, research on the use of social media in different professions has become very popular with several scholars. In particular, social media has transformed in many approaches in different facets from personality, relationships and how to filter information (English & Duncan, 2008). Having considered the development of social media and events education, Bissonette (2009) argues that it is reasonable to look at the development achieved by systems in events education in the last decade. The Consortium (2007) studies showed that the use of networking systems in addressing large populations has grown from just the use of pictures. For instance, the Leeds Beckett University has a program that allows the tutors in the school of events, tourism and hospitality to connect to students, international and domestic and present lectures (Leeds Beckett University, 2015). The Vice Chancellor, John Minten suggested that with open learning and online learning programs, students are now able to attend lectures from anywhere around the world at any time (Leeds Beckett University, 2015). In addition, such presentations by Leeds Beckett University (2015) faculty sites and the Consortium (2007) show that while the general world of education has significantly developed in the recent past, programs such as online programs and open learning systems have encouraged the use of social media to perform lectures on events education. Genç (2010) acknowledge that with a change of events education, there have been gaps and gains in the same level. The Westminster University (2015) online page on the programs issued in the school agrees that there have been gains in this field of education. According to the online site for Westminster University (2015), the specialist education programs have encouraged the presentation of information by teachers and students in the schools. More so, based on the literature presented in the article ‘Steps forward’ by (2008), with development of events education, governments have made stringent regulations that made it hard for educationists to perform their work in peace. Inspite of the difference in how these courses are offered and how the programs are offered, Cheater (2008) sees that using social media in general education has seen the educators develop methods of helping students on how to create pictorials, graphics, record creation and how to employ the use of electronic catalogues where students can access specific books. Furthermore, Bissonette (2009) says that the use of publications, micro-publications, discussion tools social aggregation tools, blogs and discussion tools has been noted to be the major platforms in which events education is now based. For instance, from these tools, educationists can design methods of educating students how to make the publications, blogging procedures, discussion tools and making the links on pictures and make them work when an event will be happening (, 2015). Similarly, the results obtained by Mazman (2009)’s and (2008)’s surveys suggest that events education has evolved to levels that it is now easier to address a larger population of students using the social media platforms. For instance, (2008) results identified the use of livecasts, Youtube, Flickr and LinkedIn as significant tools for e-learning. Another good example could be the development of the social media sites for schools where teachers can engage students in various discussions, present assignments or even create recorded lectures that are uploaded for the students. Simons Kimberly said that with social media, comes an array of opportunities (Simons, 2015). Based on the literature presented by Simons (2015), the teacher gets an opportunity to address information by uploading a link, develop an online language for different cultures, creating graphics based on different subtopics that need events’ teachers across the world. This agrees with the findings made in the Carnagy faculty of Leeds Beckett University (2015) that the use of the programs of networking has enabled the presentation of subjects to students. However, not everyone is able to access the internet or any or a system that can be used for social media presentation. It is evident from the research results reported by Grant (2008) that media in the online systems has seen change in technology as many are either contained in the mobile phones and other gadgets. Gadgets such as mobile phones, Tablets, Ipads, smartphones and other gadgets that are evolving from different companies around the world. With such advanced technologies, students can access the direct links to teachers in out of class (the Consortium, 2007; Boyd, 2012). The limitation of such case is that one needs to address the idea of individuals having direct group work learning curves on events management. Nonetheless, growth of events education in using the social media has seen the use of collaborative peering techniques for the students (the Consortium, 2007). The approach by the Consortium (2007) that has developed from the past decade of events education, it has seen that social media not to have all the conventional systems of events education (Selwyn, 2009). Meanwhile, according to Bissonette (2009), teaching events education online using social media allows the teacher to teach events education, using systems that present up to date content. True to this, a teacher can present information on particular studies as he/she finds them when researching. Such information might be current studies or new findings that do help students get to learn new material. Based on these presentations, Bissonette (2009) and Campbell (2008) agree that in the past decade, the use of social media has allowed teachers to present data that is current and up to date while encouraging following on influential management teams and subjects. According to the literature presented by Mason (2006), keeping sober in events education involves teaching the students in everyday lessons such as augmented lessons that need discussion. According to him, the continued online activity has grown in the last ten years. A clear evidence is that presented earlier that suggests the development of education programs in various schools with events education. In the literature, it is evident that events management education is now offered using various courses such as with marketing, logistics and health and safety (, 2015). From this, it is clear that the events management education has been held for years with combination of lectures. Having identified the need for keeping in mind work ethics, it is reasonable to look at the safety systems that social media has developed to employing the safety mechanisms for the events education. Campbell (2008) identifies that the use of safety software when addressing online students is essential to prevent hackers from making a problem on the types of messages presented. In particular, Campbell (2008) sees that hackers, who were there in the past, created soft ware that disrupted the presentation. In his case, Campbell (2008) said that activities in social media shows that threats of cyber bullying and cyber threats have developed into learning curves that make people get wrong information on events management. However, according to Cassidy (2006) may result in unnecessary and incomplete and completely naïve statements that are seen to focus on the general problems face the online services rather than the events organization systems. However, a critical presentation of this would show the hackers could affect the methods used in presenting events management. According to Hargittai (2007), hackers are individuals who get into the online systems and disrupt the types of messages that the teachers present in the events education.
2.3. Using social media in event education
The focus of recent research by Facebook (2007), Fovet (2009) and Johnson (2007) has projected that using social media platforms has seen the individual user numbers increase to more than 1 billion users across Europe alone. Based on these reports, Johnson (2007) and Facebook (2007) presented that this has come with many people engaged in different discussions and different topics. Such courses seem to provide a procedure on marketing of events, the logistics in events education and how events managers can develop safety and health standards with the audience (, 2015). More so, the Fovet (2009) says that Facebook (2007) should present what these users do about the events management systems and how this is happening around the world. Despite these critiques, there have been reports that suggest the use of social media in events management and education. For instance, Foss (2008) suggests that using social media in events education has developed as learning online has advanced to systems made to be for fun. According to LindsayOberst et al., (2011), social media is already a sailing ship, the use of social media in events education extended beyond the classical classroom.
Simons (2015) points out that with the social media, many people around the world are now able to teach techniques of creating links, graphics, pictures, purchasing books and making links on areas of study especially when addressing methods of how one can present a story in events management. For instance, Foss (2008) presented that the social media has been involved in education leadership platforms where social media is used to reach a wider community members. At the same time, the colleges have developed online programs that allow students and teachers to interact and get to develop an educational language by suggesting the use of presentation techniques such as use of graphics design (, 2015). Increasingly, according to Falls (2008) and LeFever (2008), unlike traditional forms of learning and education such as snail mail or press release, social media can provide real time updates as events are happening. Likewise, Falls (2008) points out those platforms such as Twitter’s hashtags and Facebook’s fan pages can be employed to present educational discussions that are developed on topics created by the teachers. Meanwhile, when looking at Oberst (2010)’s values presented, it is common notion that most people spend aver 500 billion minutes on the internet, especially on social media. The surveys by Oberst (2010) particularly point out that according to recent surveys, people online use over 500 billion minutes and that Facebook takes the bigger share. More so, the Juniper Research (2007) added that most of these people are involved in online discussions on topics and learning curves in you-tube segments where the teachers can teach students how to make a formal discussion using the platforms that are online on events education. Therefore, based on the Juniper Research (2007) reports, social media is used in events education such as creating Facebook fan pages where one can post assignments and make online announcements. This seems biased to Facebook advantages only. However, it suggests the significance of using social media for education programs where the teachers can pass information to students in the pages developed on the platforms.
Schill (2011) reported that social media has made events managers have high expectations in events education while learning institutions are engaged. In addition to this, Schill (2011) suggests that one can pass information from using the broadcast and filming in presenting studies on events education and management of events. Similarly, Falls (2008) says that one can develop broadcast messages on other platforms and share the links on the social media platforms. The students on events management then use these links. This is true when looking at the use of student portals used in the various university online systems (Westminster University, 2015; Leeds Beckett University, 2015; Leeds Metropolitan Institute, 2015). These online sites have significant areas that allow the students and lecturers to interact, connect, and get information on assignments and present assignments on basic subjects. Nonetheless, Baker, James, and Moore (2008) suggest that one can make collaborations, create publications online with the help of education specialists. The (2015) articles shows that teachers and lecturers in various institutions get different ideas on their programs and that these can be used in presenting lectures on various topics on events management education. According Baker, James, and Moore (2008), using social media needs one to keep social media social, even when doing events education. Johnson (2007) seems to agree with Schill (2011)’s statements. Falls (2008) specifically suggests that it is of great value to use social media while addressing its core objective of socializing. Falls (2008) says that this is similar in that most social media platforms suggests that ‘it is all about me’ and that it employs methods of reconnecting.
2.4. Essential elements of using social media in events education
Li and Bernoff (2008) and Embok (2011) suggest that the first and foremost essentials any education program is to have an executive summary of the learning process. Similarly, Embok (2011) suggests that it is very important for education institutions to give a general overview of their intentions. A good example is the one seen in the various colleges and universities identified earlier. The colleges and universities seem to have programs that have events management education presented in the departments and that each have a program of their own that is followed by their students and teachers (,2015; Westminster University, 2015; Leeds Beckett University, 2015; Leeds Metropolitan Institute, 2015). However, these studies by Embok (2011) lack the target made by the executive individuals in making education procedures for events education. Noel-Levitz (2007) says that to address the problem at hand, one need to highlight the team members and who will be taught. Therefore, it is very important to address the general target that will be given the management education procedures (Noel-Levitz, 2007). Secondly, an education specialist should have goals and objectives to address the right audience. Swartzfager (2007) similarly says that when one uses social media for events education, he/she should try to engage the target community to build a correct student base. More so, the tactics use by the teachers should be availed with enough content that will address the methods of interaction for the students involved in events education (Gerlich et al., 2010 and Rudolph, 2007). For instance, tactics of creating a plan on an event, created a successful event and developing an excellent opportunity to discuss a topic (Gerlich et al., 2010 and Rudolph, 2007).
2.5. Common social media platforms used in events education
According to Stevens (2008), for several years, great effort has been devoted to the study of emerging social media platforms and their significance to this dynamic world. Several publications have appeared in recent years documenting the continued emergence of social media and the advantages that come with this (Jacobsen & Forste, 2011). In the first place, as earlier presented by Jacobsen & Forste (2011), current research on social media and the use of internet platform platforms on education is focused more towards the behaviors of individuals involved with the students and the organizers of events education. As a matter of fact, the common platforms that can be used for events education and management presented by Korolova et al., (2008) indicated that the entire application of the internet has enabled social behavior in multiple ways concerning education. In particular, Korolova et al., (2008) have addressed that social media platforms range from Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube and web blogs. Similarly, Ahn et al., (2007)’s article ‘social media in education’ narrated that social media has engaged users to have multiple dialogue sessions in one time. For instance, it is evident from the sites provided by the major institutions that many of the colleges and universities not only have student and employee portals, but also have facebook and twitter links from where information passes around. This shows the use of social media by these schools to present discussions and lectures on the various courses in the schools (Westminster University, 2015; Leeds Beckett University, 2015; Leeds Metropolitan Institute, 2015). In the meantime, Bernd et al., (in press) studied the use of social media and showed that Facebook is regarded as the most powerful social media platform used in passing educational information. This is maybe why the schools in have embraced the use facebook pages and others have even offered twitter pages that have school information. Bo and O\’Sullivan (2007) contrastingly say that one can create Facebook pages and groups that users can like. In this case, Bo and O\’Sullivan (2007) suggest that the users get constant updates on the pages and the groups. According to Backstrom et al., (2007), Facebook helps create groups and pages that help create a social network. This shows the significance presented by these communities in that people can engage in discussions and engages in conversations. Another platform currently available is the use of Twitter. Backstrom et al., (2006) have demonstrated that Twitter is one of the most used social media platforms that have recently attracted individuals involved in events education. Backstrom et a.,l (2006) say that with Twitter, users can engage in live chat sessions. Backstrom et al., (2006) say that Twitter has enabled the presentation of up-to-the-second updates on an ongoing event. Schools have gone further to include twitter pages for their institutions, from which the teachers and students can get to communicate with each other concerning school and schoolwork (Westminster University, 2015; Leeds Beckett University, 2015; Leeds Metropolitan Institute, 2015). Boase et al., (2006) further suggest that this platform allows the use of notices that are then presented inform of links and picture presentation. Notwithstanding the literature by Boase et al., (2006), Acquisti et al., (2009) can agree with the author that Backstrom et al (2006) misrepresent the idea of presenting information. However, on further reading of the article, one finds that Backstrom et al. (2006) presented that there is no misinterpretation on this case. Backstrom et al. (2006) have suggested that live videos and pictures can be shown using the links that one posts during actual discussions. Moreover, references on analysis by Ahmed et al., (2010) suggest that live podcasts and web blogs have links that can be set as updates in other platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. It is evident that many platforms can employ the use of social media in presenting events education. Ahmed et al., (2010) add that the use of blogs and live podcasts has enabled individuals to attend events education online.
2.6. Advantages of using social media in events education
Ahmed et al., (2010)’s report on social media is particularly good in assessing the advantages and disadvantages of social media. Evidence for in support of Ahmed et al., (2010)’s report can be found in the literature presented by Lee et al., (2008). According to Domine (2009), it is evident that social media has taken the world by storm. Additionally, Lee et al., (2008) suggest that social media has improved the passage of information from one point to the other. Solis (2008) specifically said that the use of social media has allowed the social world to gain many apprehensions. In this case, Solis (2008) said that students could easily contact each other on assignments and projects on events. Ahmed et al., (2010) say that Solis (2008) failed to acknowledge that a good number of teachers tend to forget the main objectives of the study. More so, Brydolf (2007) added that students could be destructed with other conversations. For instance, Brydolf (2007) said that students might begin to watch other demographics rather than concentrating on the situation at hand. Comparing this presentation to the report presented by Jacobsen & Forste (2011), it is true that besides the pedagogical purposes, social media enables persons to connect with each other; hence, one gets interested on other issues surrounding other users. On the contrary, Lusk (2010) says that social media has created an avenue for individuals to intrude to other people’s privacy. However, Jacobsen & Forste (2011) say that while such failures in social media must not be discounted, the advantage of social media as an efficient method of getting information. Rudolph (2007) and Lusk (2010) say that this has specifically helped students to get information that is taught on events and organize events without contacting the traditional media advertisement platforms. In particular, Rudolph (2007) presented that one can engage the other users to get information on what is happening especially from Twitter where one can have person to person conversation. Nonetheless, Rudolph (2007) argues that with these conversations, the diversions tend to reduce the productivity of individuals. For instance, Rudolph (2007) says that a student can forget to make the conversation intended and start to make conversation on other areas such as personal profiles and checking on demographic information of other users. However, Kalpidou et al., (2011) answer the critics by suggesting that professionals can increase interesting information by providing correct and topics that would be enjoyable to the student. More so, Solis (2008) added that with an improved internet platform, individuals have an added advantage of getting free downloads on contents such as videos and pictures. On the whole idea of social media, it is evident from Solis (2008) and Rudolph (2007), literature that social media has improved the connectivity of students with their teachers. To put this in another way, Solis (2008) and Rudolph (2007) identified instances where students are getting in touch with the event organizers in quick version. Moreover, it is evident that the advantage of social media platforms having an array of pedagogic purposes has enabled students to express confidence to their teachers during a learning process (Solis, 2008; and Rudolph, 2007). Conversely, Noel-Levitz (2007)’s literature material disagreed with the ability of the confidence in real life. According to Noel-Levitz (2007), continued use of the social media platforms has ended up reducing the confidence levels of students in a real world situation. Based on this disagreement, Noel-Levitz (2007) suggested that it is for this reason that most of these individuals are losing the regular methods of engaging in face-to-face communication. To the author’s knowledge, the disadvantage identified by Noel-Levitz (2007) has been a major drawback of using the social media platforms. The author agrees with Solis (2008)’s reports that a large number of individuals is unable to share interesting ideas with other individuals when doing the events education or learning on events management. To address the issue, many authors have proposed many methods of creating the confidence levels of students. Proponents such as Agarwal and Mital (2009) have suggested that with the use of social media in events education, one can develop systems that allow the students to engage directly with the teachers by using satellite links that are capturing to the students. In this case, one can get to learn how to present information from one place without losing confidence. Other proponents such as Ahmed et al., (2010) particularly point out that the world has channelled the disadvantages of conmen and con women in the internet who may end p making misleading education methods. For instance, the literature by Ahmed et al., (2010) identified the introduction of events that require pay via unscrupulous internet pages. Being easy to create communication, Ahmed et al., (2010) say that cons are targeting the vulnerable individuals by suggesting the use of credit and debit cards to get new tickets for events. With this in mind, Ahmed et al., (2010) suggested that it is important for teachers to be cautious on the web pages they visit in the internet and also teach the students on the safety systems that can be employed when doing events education in schools. While such failures must not be discounted, Reuben (2008) acknowledged that the disadvantage is small when comparing it to the number of educated and cautious individuals that use the social media platforms. However, while it is important to create cheaper and efficient methods of communication, teachers should also understand that engaging people in social media has generally garnered lots of apprehension from the different players across the world (The University of California, 2006). It is therefore important to create learning systems focused on curriculum and content (Ahmed et al., 2010). Moreover, it is important for teachers and students to assess the most effective systems to use when engaging in events education (Read and Young, 2006).
2.7. Conclusion
In summary, the literature presented in this chapter has specifically identified the different presentations made about the research objectives. For instance, the use of networking systems in addressing large populations has grown from just the use of pictures. According to the reports presented, the general world of education has significantly developed in the recent past. It is evident that using social media in events education has developed as learning online has advanced to systems that are made to be for fun. In particular, learning has become all-inclusive and has encouraged the inclusion of topics at any time of the day. Moreover, the researcher noted that among the platforms currently used, the most used is Facebook and Twitter. Additionally, the researcher identified that there are many advantages of using social media in events education. However, the researcher noted that there are risks that come with the internet. Based on this, it is important to be cautious when using social media in events education.
Criminal Justice students will review President Barack Obama’s law review entitled “The President Role in This is a graded discussion: 10 points possible I have been affected severally with late delivery of assignment but since I hired an EssayBark writer, my assignment reaches me before the expiry of the agreed deadline. Some tasks proved to be difficult since they required me to express my original ideas after carrying out an extensive research. This used to give me sleepless nights and occasionally used to turn down my friends invites to parties. However, came at a time I needed them most and their services proved to be of high quality. If it were not for, I don't think I would be where I am today. 90 percent of my success came from this company and I can say without any fear of contradiction that they are the best essay writing company in the whole world. Nothing seemed to work my way until I hired I can now confidently say that I enjoy my Environmental Science Course because the ideas provided by the writers have simplified all the technicalities of the subject. It seems that your writer understood the subject well. I believe she has a doctorate in the subject. Thanks to all of them for treating me personally. Since I started hiring I learned that investing in your future is more important than any monetary investment. The knowledge provided in my political science essays by your writers helped me defend my thesis professionally in front of my teachers. I am highly obliged to your writers. I sometimes lack words to describe how happy I am since I met you guys. You are a gift to many as the essays provided by your writers are original, accurate, and timely. Meeting, to me is fate. I had never dreamt of getting an A in my English literature course but you made my dream come true. Thank you so much. Since I started working with life has never been the same again. I can comfortably say that my grades have greatly improved and I no longer have to worry about failing. My experience with was one of a kind. They completely erased all my worries and as per now, I feel like am a master of all difficult topics which used to give me sleepless nights. Thanks a lot for opening my eyes. When I decided to join MBA, I wasn’t sure how I was going to handle those essays which required creative writing skills because I was literary very poor in it. However, my problem was solved by Apart from helping me with my assignments, they gave me free advice on how to polish my writing skills. My future is now bright all thanks to My worry with most companies offering writing services had been originality but since I started engaging, all I get is quality and original work, delivered within the specified time frame. If you are looking for quality and non-plagiarized work, I recommend this site for you.
Advancing Criminal Justice Reform” see the link below. Please prepare to formulate a proposal
basedon a prevention or intervention program for responding to a grant by creating a cogent
problem statement.
As indicated with the course syllabus, students are required to meet with the instructor
to receive academic advisement and work on career development and professional
development opportunities. The instructor will organize this process to expedite
advisement for graduation.
Assignment: Points:
1st Activity 10
Writing Assignment 10
Oral Presentation 10
Weekly Journals 65
Professional Attainment and
Career Development
Total 100
Assessment and Grading
Students within the course will be required to complete a variety of activities that
include that will assess their competency in the subject matter of Juvenile Justice
Administration and Management through prevention and intervention
due Mar 16
1.6: First Activity
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Due March 16, 2024, 11:59 pm
Describe in detail what legal and/or ethical dilemma means to you as an independent researcher. For this section, the maximum/minimum word count is 150 words. Then, describe a program you would like to propose in the form of a proposal (Grant) to address the perceived legal or ethical dilemma in 150 maximum/minimum word count.
Word Count no more than 300 words max/minimum.
You must reference the President Obama Law review in your response.
A statistical delineation is a must.
APA must be followed
Do not upload as a document, must be written in a discussion form