Death and dying

Death and dying

Description  Details  (attached file )

Discipline Health

Assignment type : Essay

Format MLA

Academic Level: –

Volume of 3 pages (825 words)

Type of service: Custom writing


this is a health care law class and the instructor mentioned he was looking to talk about the ethics with in culture

Death and Dying

  • Discuss how attitudes toward death have changed over time.
  • Discuss accepted criteria for determining death.
  • Determine the health care professional’s role in caring for the dying.
  • Discuss the various stages of grief.
  • Identify the major features of organ donation in the United States.
  • Discuss the various stages of greif



  • Final Project Presentations and Final Exam


Final Project Topic – Cultural Perspectives on Death and Dying


We all know that death, the physical cessation of life, is universal to all cultures and societies.  For as long as researchers have been studying this phenomena, we can all agree that death, as we know it, signifies the termination of the living organism.

Although death followed by grief is a natural process, behaviors associated with expressing grief are bound by cultural diversity.

Each student will review and research the following articles/videos for their final paper:


Your paper must include the following:

  1. INTRODUCTION: A brief opening that describes the main characteristics of the topic under consideration.
  2. OVERVIEW OF DIFFERENT CULTURES: What are the cultural rituals for coping with dying?  What are the family beliefs from each culture as to what happens after death?  How is suicide viewed in each culture?
  3. ETHICS AND ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION: What are the religious differences pertaining to organ transplantation?  Does organ harvesting raise any ethical concerns among cultures?
  4. CONCLUDING REMARKS: A brief summary of the main findings about the topic under discussion

5.            REFERENCES:  A bibliography of, at least, three sources of information used in the paper.  References should be presented using APA style.  Remembering that paraphrasing or direct quotation of published or unpublished works without ull and clear acknowledgement of the source is plagiarism and will bring about disciplinary action, which may include expulsion from the college.

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