Understanding Labor Practices


ABC/123 Version X



  Understanding Labor Practices

MGT/434 Version 8




University of Phoenix Material


Understanding Labor Practices


Labor laws:

National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) (Wagner Act)

Norris-LaGuardia Act

Labor Management Relations Act (Taft-Hartley Act)

Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (Landrum-Griffin Act)


Select the applicable federal law(s) from the labor laws above and its respective provision(s) affecting each labor practice issue.


Save and submit to the Assignments tab.


Unfair labor practices committed by employers include the following: Applicable Law & Provision Affected
Refusal to collectively bargain with the union representative  
Discrimination against union members  
Company decides to form its own union  
Retaliation against employees who file a grievance with the union  
Interference with union elections  
Unduly influencing union members or representatives  
“I’ll close this plant if the union comes in here!”  
Prohibits organizing activity during lunch breaks  
Unfair labor practices committed by unions include the following: Applicable Law & Provision Affected
Coercing employees to join unions  
Pilfering union dues  
Refraining from collective bargaining  
Calling an illegal strike that will affect the health and safety of the nation  
Blocking the entrance to employer’s facility  
Incorrect financial disclosures  
“We’ll see who gets hurt tonight if you don’t vote for the union!”  
Bad-faith, illegal bargaining.