CRIP Goals Project
Volume of 5 pages (1375 words) Description
Format APA
Assignment type : Essay
C- Content- What Do We Want? What does each person want? What
does each party in your conflict want? Examine what each party’s
wants are, and state them clearly.
R-Relational- Who Are We to Each Other? What is our relationship? The
relationship you have is important, and determines how you might
decide to deal with the conflict. How interdependent are you? How
much influence do you have over one another? How do you want to be
treated versus how you are treated now?
I- Identity- Who Am I In This Interaction? What are your identity needs?
Are you saving face in order to appear a certain way to others? Are
you acting out of self-interest or self-preservation? Who is the other
person or people in this interaction?
P- Process- What Communication Process Will Be Used? How do you
handle this situation? What type of communication would be the best
way of dealing with this conflict? What creative solutions might there be?