Figure 4: Classic Iron Triangle However, software development projects often fail because the organization sets unrealistic goals for the Iron Triangle. An example of this came from one of our reviewers. If the government got a requirement to take a simple Hypertext PreProcessor (PHP)/mySQL-based forum type website that already exists in the .com and simply move it to the .mil, it could take $3-5 million and a year to complete. This would include, but not be limited to, documenting a new start, conducting a capabilities assessment, assigning a program manager, finding a host, doing the justification and approval, establishing contracts, getting the vendor and “approved” system for billing, briefing the required oversight groups, and so forth. If this type of requirement occurred within a commercial environment, it would take about two hours and less than $1,000. “The fact that (particularly SIDRE [software-intensive innovative development and reengineering/evolution]) software development effort and duration cannot be estimated precisely means that it is unwise to try to lock a software project into simultaneously fixed budget, schedule, and feature content (as has been found in many fixed-price, fixed-requirements software development contracts)” [Critical Code 2010]. In the end, if the project team delivers at all, the quality of the delivered product suffers and the project is almost always late and over budget. 6 The triangle is the historical representation of this idea as well as for process. The two triangles do not represent the same ideas but rather only use the same icon. Schedule Scope Cost Quality CMU/SEI-2011-TN-002 | 7 With the emergence of Agile, another view of the Iron Triangle has evolved. Jim Highsmith proposed the Agile Triangle as an alternative to measuring performance with the Iron Triangle because Agile is all about being flexible [Highsmith 2009]. Since value is based on capabilities that the users or stakeholders find valuable, scope is the cornerstone of the Agile Triangle. Scope should be considered first and cost and schedule should adapt to achieving the scope. This may or may not be possible, but it is the ideal. Because Agile processes and methods allow for flexibility, customers also gain more innovation value in that it is easier for them to be inventive or consider new ideas. Highsmith has continued to evolve the initial Agile Triangle. The most important items to measure should be value and quality, within the constraints of the program (scope, cost, schedule). According to Highsmith, these are defined as to the customer’s needs. schedule, and cost. The new Agile Triangle shown in Figure 5 illustrates these attributes. Figure 5: New Agile Triangle7 The new Agile Triangle changes the foundational trade-off elements to include value and quality, and keeps the old standards of cost, schedule, and scope in the constraints part of the triangle. This is another way in which Agile addresses Gates’s need for a “75% solution in months.” By putting the focus on value to end users through such approaches as continual end-user involvement, Agile’s philosophy is poised to address explicit DoD needs. 7 Adapted from Jim Highsmith ( Constraints (Scope, Cost, Schedule) Value Quality CMU/SEI-2011-TN-002 | 8 1.3 Background 1.3.1 Overall Approach This report is based on both a literature review and interviews with many diverse programs and practicing Agilists. We conducted a literature search to see what information was available that could be adapted for a DoD environment. We also created a selective but not exhaustive list of topics that we used when interviewing personnel who are Agile corporate advocates, practicing Agile consultants, and personnel working on projects employing Agile methods. The projects ranged from 7-10 people to programs with 100 developers. Some staffs were collocated and others were distributed. Personnel interviewed were from both commercial and government domains. We combined the results to provide some anonymity for our interviewees. Table 1 depicts the general characteristics of our interviewees where available. We also gained information from several other sources that was not program specific but rather based on extensive consulting or tool usage. Table 1: Characterization of Interviewed Programs Characteristic Program #1 Program #2 Program #3 Program #4 Program #5 Program #6 Size of Program in Dollars $10- 15M/yr $13M/yr $4.7M/yr Multiple programs Multiple programs Multiple programs Headcount of Developers Not releasable 60 19 Varied Varied Varied Headcount of Program Office Not releasable 9 1-2 Varied Varied Varied Type of Program (IT, C2, embedded weapons, other) C2, IT, Modeling and Simulation C2 C2 IT, C2 IT, C2 Commercial Type of Contract CPFF, T&M T&M CPFF Varied, preferred T&M Varied In house # Months Using Agile Methods 48-72 depending on program 96 42 Variable Variable Variable CMU/SEI-2011-TN-002 | 9 Table 1: Characterization of Interviewed Programs (cont’d.) Characteristic Program #1 Program #2 Program #3 Program #4 Program #5 Program #6 # Iterations or Deliveries Using Agile methods 20-45 releases: up to 330 builds 207 8 Variable Variable Variable Agile Method in Use Scrum XP/Scrum Scrum Scrum Scrum Scrum Approx # of Users of Software/System Produced Using Agile Method Not available Greater than 670 adopting organizations Not available Variable Variable Variable For this report, we will use one of the common definitions of Agile, as cited in our first report on Agile in the DoD: Agile: An iterative and incremental (evolutionary) approach8 to software development which is performed in a highly collaborative manner by self-organizing teams within an effective governance framework with “just enough” ceremony that produces high-quality software in a cost-effective and timely manner which meets the changing needs of its stakeholders [Ambler 2004]. From a programmatic perspective, Agile should live within the traditional foundational triangle of scope, schedule, and cost. However, practitioners of Agile methods have taken a different approach towards the traditional project triangle as shown in Figure 5. In order to leverage these new models for program execution, the acquiring organization and the developing organization must consider what changes need to be made to their current mental models and their current practices. The rest of this TN addresses factors that are likely to need change. 1.3.2 Audience for this Technical Note The audiences for this report are encouraging the application of Agile software development methods in their programs; 8 Note that the life cycles illustrated in DoD 5000.02 are also incremental in nature. Agile methods are not the exclusive expression of incremental methods. However, it is also true that a team claiming to use Agile methods must be using, by necessity, an incremental and iterative life cycle. CMU/SEI-2011-TN-002 | 10 development acquisition with a contractor who will be using Agile software development methods; and Proposal (RFP) with a proposal based on using Agile software development methods. 1.3.3 Content of This Report The reader may wonder how we selected the topics to address in this report. A subset of this author team published a technical note in 2010 (CMU/SEI-2010-TN-002) in which we acknowledged that the 2010 report only began to explore employing Agile within the DoD. We mentioned several potential future topics. This TN addresses most of them including Agile PM, and management structure for Agile projects (iteration, release, enterprise). programs, types of contracts and which works best with Agile, and incentives. using risk and a variation of the cost, schedule, quality triangle. effectively within an Agile environment, how to go about instituting those changes, etc. cultures, and how to bridge the gap. There are a variety of other relevant topics that could and should be addressed. As we did our research, we created a list of these topics. The potential list of other topics is addressed in Section 7, Summary and Conclusion. 1.3.4 Organization of This Report The organization and potential audience for each topic in the report is provided below. Executive Summary contains highlights of this report. Section 1, Introduction describes what is Agile, why DoD is interested in Agile methods, and the background for the report. All readers should review this section. Section 2 discusses in more depth what it means to adopt Agile in a DoD context, especially as it concerns the organization’s culture. The audience for this section includes policy makers, program managers, and development organizations contemplating moving towards Agile Section 3 discusses contracting for and managing Agile programs. Its primary audience is acquisition program managers, with a secondary audience of policy makers and development organizations, as well as contractor personnel in various roles. Section 4 discusses the effects of Agile on technical milestone reviews, particularly System Requirements Review (SRR), PDR, and CDR. Its primary audiences are acquisition program managers and policy makers who are reviewing, approving, and executing acquisition strategies. CMU/SEI-2011-TN-002 | 11 Section 5 addresses cost and effort estimation in Agile projects. Its primary audience is acquisition program managers, with secondary audiences of development organizations and independent cost evaluators. Section 6 provides insight into the use of organizational change management approaches for Agile methods adoption. Its audience includes policymakers, program managers, and development organizations, anyone who influences the environment for Agile adoption or who is substantively involved in the adoption. Section 7 summarizes the TN and provides suggestions for future topics for detailed exploration. Several appendices follow the main body of the report, providing more detail or pointers to resources related to the topics of the individual sections. Appendix A defines acronyms. Appendix B is the glossary. Appendix C provides culture details. Appendix D is a COCOMO factors list. Appendix E describes an estimating process for Agile based on GAO best practices for estimation. Appendix F provides details on the Satir Organizational Change Management Model. Appendix G provides the Adler factors related to complexity and timing of change effort. Appendix H provides notes from the field. Appendix I provides selected Agile resources. CMU/SEI-2011-TN-002 | 12 CMU/SEI-2011-TN-002 | 13 2 Implications of Agile Adoption for the DoD Acquisition Context In this section, we begin with a brief description of Agile themes. This is followed by a discussion of various DoD processes and practices that are likely to need to change in order to successfully adopt Agile. We discuss impacts to the following areas: acquisition life cycle, DoD culture, PMO behavior, and planning practices. Sections that follow address particular subsets of these themes, especially contracting, management, and technical milestones in the DoD acquisition life cycle. 2.1 Agile Themes Learning and value-seeking are two themes that were visible in our interviews and continue to be emphasized in the rhetoric on Agile methods. Together these themes support an Agile culture. Though they are not the only themes that support an Agile culture, they are ones that differ in their explicit use in DoD acquisition. Through test-driven development cycles, nested iterations, continuing and frequent involvement of the users of the system being produced, and retrospectives on how well practices have worked, software developers involved in an Agile culture expend significant effort learning about the problem space of the user, the solution space, and the processes that work best for them. One of our interviewees, while reflecting on the importance of retrospectives, said, “I find this to be the most beneficial part of the entire process. We do this in the fighter aircraft world. We call it debriefing and we do it better than anyone. [It’s] a chance to learn and improve. So this in my opinion is vital.” Communication amplifies individual learning into team learning through information radiators. Often, these take the form of big, visible charts that are posted in common areas of the workplace. They should display progress, obstacles, and actions, and be easy to update. Thus, they “radiate” information and support communication and rapid response to changing project conditions. In geographically distributed teams, other mechanisms besides physical wall charts are used for the same purpose, and some vendors of support tools for Agile methods incorporate tools specifically meant for this purpose. One of our reviewers commented on their use of the wall-chart style of information radiator: “[This was] one of the key practices used on [our program] increment 1, which brought about significant change in a short period of time.” Agile development is always value-seeking—concerned with delivering the best possible product to the customer within the available timeframe. Developers emphasize high-quality working software and take pride in providing value by having the flexibility to respond to changes in business direction, requirements, and new needs. “Practices that help the customer to determine what the better solution is and communicate that to the team correctly will deliver business value as well” [Elssamadisy 2009]. The two themes of communication and value-seeking get expressed in different ways within different Agile methodologies and for different product settings. The following discussion addresses these and other themes relevant to DoD acquisition from different perspectives. We address the acquisition context that Agile approaches would be expected to support, elements of CMU/SEI-2011-TN-002 | 14 an Agile culture, differences between “doing” Agile versus “being” Agile, Agile success factors and corresponding program management office (PMO) enablers, Agile methods and the DoD culture, and the Agile philosophy related to planning. 2.2 Implications of Adopting Agile for the DoD Acquisition Life Cycle The Defense Acquisition Guidebook states that “the Defense Acquisition System exists to manage the Nation’s investments in technologies, programs, and product support necessary to achieve the national Security Strategy and support the United States Armed Forces” [Defense Acquisition Guidebook a 2011]. The DoD 5000 series (DoD Directive (DoDD) 5000.01 and DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.02) provides the basic guidance to implement the acquisition process. The overall life cycle framework is shown in Figure 6. Figure 6: Acquisition Life-Cycle Framework [Defense Acquisition Guidebook 2011e] In 2009 the Defense Science Board said, “The fundamental problem DoD faces is that the deliberate process through which weapon systems and information technology are acquired does not match the speed at which new IT capabilities are being introduced in today’s information age” [Defense Science Board 2009]. The National Research Council has also studied DoD acquisition, stating, “DOD systems acquisition policies, expertise, practice, and culture—including those applied to IT systems— reflect the practices, policies, and cultural norms associated with large weapons systems programs…. With respect to IT, however, there is a longstanding reluctance to deviate from standard weapons system acquisition processes, and acquisition personnel are not trained or led to differentiate the unique aspects of IT systems acquisition” [Committee 2010]. One of our reviewers emphasized the burden this application of weapons system processes on IT has in their IT-focused part of a jet aircraft program: “We are constantly being forced to use the exact same processes as the jet itself and it continues to cost us non-value-added overhead.” These studies and others prompted Congress to include Section 804 in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 (FY10 NDAA, PL 111-84). Pursuant to Section 804, OSD published a report providing updates on DoD’s progress toward developing a new acquisition process for information capabilities [OSD 2010]. This new process “will leverage ongoing CMU/SEI-2011-TN-002 | 15 Department efforts to streamline Defense Business Systems (DBS) acquisition and incorporate best practices garnered from engagement with industry and lessons learned from ongoing DoD efforts. The new process is intended to take full advantage of the speed of IT innovation from commercial industry to foster an environment for mission-focused and time-critical deliveries that support the full spectrum of IT applications within the DoD” [OSD 2010]. A new business capability life cycle is being created that will change the milestone and budgeting focus for IT systems that are not embedded or driven by technology development. The guiding principles for the new approach are Agile methods seem to answer the need for many of the above principles. However, it should be noted that to embark on this new acquisition life cycle, the DoD workforce will need to adapt its culture to work within the new paradigm. It is also worth noting that some programs that are outside the IT systems mandate also use Agile methods, often when using Agile software development in the context of a larger traditional DoD weapons system. 2.3 Doing Agile vs. Being Agile Agile is a mindset and a way of working that embodies the Agile Manifesto and Agile Principles. The mindset is often the differentiator between successful and unsuccessful Agile projects [Sidky 2009]. However, many organizations start their journey by “doing Agile,” via adoption of the methodologies and practices commonly called Agile. There are a number of Agile processes—Scrum, XP (Extreme Programming), RUP (Rational Unified Process), DSDM (Dynamic Systems Development Method), ASD (Adaptive Software Development), and others. Each provides potential benefits through its own practices’ reflection of Agile principles and values. A development team can start “doing Agile” by picking an Agile process and following it step by step without fully embodying the Agile culture described briefly in Table 2. This often provides incremental benefits through smaller and more focused delivery of operational software. However, adopting Agile for software development is more than learning a new process. “Being Agile” is more about creating and sustaining a culture of agility. This culture is founded upon key principles expressed in the Agile Manifesto. Rather than simply advocating a new software delivery process, these Agile tenets seek to change what the team values, measures, and delivers, (i.e., placing value on collaboration and personal interactions, working software, and adjustment to change). Table 2 presents the principles (in bold) that tie to the Agile Manifesto, as well as Agile behaviors that support these principles, and possible government PMO actions and enablers that can support the use of Agile methods, where appropriate. This translation is intended to assist acquisition program managers to gain a better understanding of the Agile development teams they may be working with. Items in italics are direct quotes from the Agile Manifesto. Other behaviors listed CMU/SEI-2011-TN-002 | 16 are ones that we have observed in our interviews that are consistent with the manifesto. The main cultural themes reflected in the table are leadership values, team values, values around incentives and reward systems, and values around development practices. Although these values may also be present in non-Agile development contexts (in fact, many of them are derived from pre-Agile experience of the Manifesto authors), they are behaviors that are iconic of Agile environments. Table 2: Agile Manifesto Principles and Possible Program Office Enablers for Them Agile Manifesto and Principles Common Behavioral Expressions of the Agile Manifesto and Principles PMO Actions & Enablers Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done. Team performance is emphasized more heavily than individual performance. Candor and truth are rewarded, not punished. Distinction is clear between individuals’ status on the development team (respect) and formal HR rewards. The team visibly rewards its heroes. Mentoring is rewarded. At least some of the reward system is team-based. Provide rewards other than monetary (choice assignments, mentoring, training, etc) Downplay or equalize merit increases Associate career accomplishments and milestones with promotions. Let the development team naturally recognize its heroes. Include an appreciation step in iteration retrospectives. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. – and – Working software is the primary measure of progress. Early functioning software release is rewarded (vs. documents are “finished”). Focusing early on the parts of the system that have the most direct business or end-user value Use of user stories to communicate between developers and other stakeholders Provide developers with access to real end users or to end-user surrogates with depth in operational use of the type of system being built. Architect system in a way that permits early delivery of working (although often prototype) software. Minimize time for delivery increments and base requirements choices around ability to get early feedback from operational use. Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project. Vision is shared by sponsor and teams. Local sponsors respect team autonomy. Local sponsors (usually acquisition customer) visibly value team input in management decisions. Management willingness to be creative within the business constraints of the environment Support working well across boundaries Managers’ first duty is to remove impediments to developer productivity. Co-locate customer and end user(s) with developers Stakeholders, including the customer, participate actively in standup meetings. Establish award fee, CDRLs, and other contractual criteria that encourage small deliveries of working software rather than a “big bang” delivery. Work with relevant certification authorities to reduce lag time to enduser delivery while maintaining appropriate security. CMU/SEI-2011-TN-002 | 17 Table 2: Agile Manifesto Principles and Possible Program Office Enablers for Them (cont’d.) Agile Manifesto and Principles Common Behavioral Expressions of the Agile Manifesto and Principles PMO Actions & Enablers Simplicity—the art of maximizing the amount of work not done—is essential. Keep everything—software, documentation, overhead—as simple as possible. Bloated software and gold-plating are discouraged Minimizing waste is important. Reduce distractions for developers and testers; consider physical facility adjustments like a team room, if feasible. Keep team on task; minimize team members being shared among multiple projects. Model appropriate product owner behavior in daily standup meetings. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale. Fail fast, learn fast is encouraged Time-boxed iterations (also called “sprints” in some methods) Scope management within release cycle(s) Reduce risk via early working software that is releasable to users Consider use of time and material contracts where feasible—software development as a service The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation. Co-located teams whenever possible Strong telepresence technology support for geographically distributed teams Developer isolation is frowned upon. Strong team-based values Information sharing vs. “knowledge is power” Candor, communications, transparency Minimize barriers to use of collaboration technology when colocation is infeasible. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility. Peer reviews are embraced by development teams. Learning is valued. Shared team understanding of what “done” means Encourage pair or small-team programming. Develop Agile coaches for both acquisition side and development side. Define acceptance test early to close in on definition of “done.” At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly. Self-reflection via things like retrospectives is encouraged. Metrics used for course correction, not punishment of individuals Formalize team reflection, via retrospectives or other mechanisms, as part of release cycles. Keep metrics simple enough to be gathered and still be useful. Focus on improving development team velocity. Agile processes promote sustainable development. – and – The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely. Sustainable pace is rewarded. Personal heroics are not encouraged. Little overtime is seen. Uncompensated overtime is rare. Focus on meeting shorter-duration delivery dates by modulating scope. CMU/SEI-2011-TN-002 | 18 Table 2: Agile Manifesto Principles and Possible Program Office Enablers for Them (cont’d.) Agile Manifesto and Principles Common Behavioral Expressions of the Agile Manifesto and Principles PMO Actions & Enablers Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage. Small amount of change occurring within an iteration, but a fair amount of reprioritization of requirements inbetween iterations Product owner minimizes churn with the team inside an iteration, but brings up changes in the environment and enduser needs in-between iterations Leave slack in each iteration for important, urgent defect removal or requirements change—how much depends on team velocity and character of software being developed. 2.4 Implications of Adopting Agile on DoD Culture What can be observed in any organization? Every organization has common things that are visible and reflect its basic assumptions, shared values, espoused values, and artifacts as shown in Figure visible elements of a culture. They include the products of the groups and everything an organization experiences, from the facilities and properties of the physical environment to the group’s language, reports and documents, posters and presentation materials, myths, stories, and rituals. “Information radiators” are a good example of an artifact of Agile culture. The big, visible version of these charts can take many forms, for example: a storyboard of user stories that highlights the iteration’s status, burndown charts that show the number of requirements and stories that are completed, status of the continuous integration builds, roadblock charts that show obstacles and who has responsibility for working these, and so on. Distributed teams also need information radiators. One of our reviewers commented, “A large flat-panel screen in each lab/team room is a wonderful information radiator for distributed teams.” In an Agile culture, it is critical that the artifacts are dynamic, actionable expressions of the project at work, not static documents (e.g., project mission statements that are not expected to change frequently). Cultural artifacts are easy to see but can be hard to interpret, and they alone do not represent the essence of a culture. Figure 7: Key Elements of Cultu The Agile Manifesto is a good ex originators of the term “Agile me aspire. Espoused values (things w of a workplace. Espoused values group accepts the solution’s value success eventually become basic substantiated research but are unq may start as an espoused value in there are sufficient tooling mecha shared value, a common practice continuous integration become au discussable, it would become a ba The relationship between values a reasonably congruent with the un can be helpful in bringing the gro [Schein 2009]. In situations wher identity will be very strong. In tho explanation, rationalization, and a weaker. Common manifestations of Agile in column two of Table 2. In som strong shared values related to Ag successfully used for more than a Agile adoption was relatively rece strong Agile identity, prospective team members, not just the team l 9 Adapted from Edgar Schein’s Orga CMU/SEI-2011-T ure9 xample of the espoused values of the Agile Alliance, the thods,” and it generally reflects the values to which Agil we say we do), norms, and rules make up the everyday op become shared when they have been proven as solutions assumptions—general inferences that are not grounded i questionable [Schein 2009]. For example, continuous inte n an Agile organization (this is a rule we will follow), but anisms to support continuous integration, it will not beco that most of the organization would not readily abandon utomatically accepted within the group without its use be asic assumption for that particular culture. and assumptions is important. “If the espoused values are nderlying assumptions, then the articulation of those valu oup together, serving as a source of identity and core miss e there is tight coupling or congruency, the Agile cultura ose situations where there is less congruence, evidenced aspiration around the values, the Agile cultural identity w e principles, through shared values and behaviors, are hig me of the organizations we interviewed, we saw evidence gile principles, particularly in programs where Agile had a couple of years. We saw other cases, particularly where ent, of a weaker Agile cultural identity. In one program, e employees are likely to be interviewed by all their poten lead. The team makes a judgment as to the fit of the emp anizational Culture and Leadership, 1992. TN-002 | 19 le teams perations s and the d with in egration t until me a eing e es … sion” al by more will be ghlighted of d been e the with a ntial ployee, CMU/SEI-2011-TN-002 | 20 not only in terms of software development skills, but also in terms of their perceived ability and willingness to adopt pair programming and test-driven development practices; both of these are anchors of Agile practices in that organization. In a more traditional project, full team involvement in interviewing and deciding on new members is not as common an occurrence. One reviewer, who shares the practice of team interviewing with this program, commented, “In almost all cases that I have seen, the team is better off without adding a team member versus adding one who does not jell with the rest of the team or work well in a team environment.” An expected, but still striking difference we saw in Agile programs versus more traditional software programs was the attitude toward requirements. In the more traditional programs that some of our interviewees had worked on, a tremendous amount of effort, energy, and attention was paid to refining requirements statements to a low level of detail and obtaining multiple levels of approval of them before doing any prototyping or visible design activities. The confidence of the development team in how accurate the requirements were in terms of the user’s needs was low. However, they could not substantively move forward with the design until the complete systems requirements had been approved. A reviewer who had a similar experience said, “To date, I have not seen where the rigor applied to our requirements has brought any value to our product.” The attitude toward requirements in the programs we interviewed using Agile was much more focused on a definition of only enough capability to bring acknowledged value to an end user, with much less focus on ultimate completeness of the requirements set. In the program using Agile, the team was confident that with the user involvement that they knew they could count on, they would discover additional requirements as the project evolved and that all the requirements they worked on would provide definable value to the customer. The shared value of prioritizing end-user involvement to build confidence in requirements early allows both the acquirer and developer to permit appropriate ambiguity early in the project. This is contrary to what is more typical in a traditional acquirer/development team, which strives for completeness of a requirements specification prior to significant design work. Although this is a false completeness (almost everyone we spoke with acknowledged that the complexity of today’s systems makes it impossible to completely know a system’s requirements prior to design), the shared values of the acquirer/developer team are focused on the completion aspect of the requirements rather than allowing evolutionary learning about them. Here is what one colonel tells his subordinate PMs about requirements and release planning: Planning Release 1 … [should contain the] smallest fieldable amount with tangible ROI that the customer will agree to, and that can be built upon. things. Planning Release 2 thru ‘n’ … use a model. CMU/SEI-2011-TN-002 | 21 hardware required, and the software required … with costs and estimates of complexity for each. continuously refine. many trips;[that must be] synced with [the] deployment schedule …[which will cost lots of] $$$ … think this thru carefully. Culture is ingrained in the organization, and is intertwined with everything that the organization is and does, including these dimensions: Table 3 compares the above cultural dimensions as reflected in typical Agile and traditional DoD environments.10 This is not a comprehensive characterization, but is intended for purposes of comparison. It also provides an informal way for a DoD organization to understand how closely its current culture reflects Agile cultural elements. Although this table may seem like it advocates Agile elements as superior to traditional DoD elements, for adopters of Agile, the point and the challenge is that the Agile adoption is likely to occur within the traditional DoD culture and steps will need to be taken to mitigate risks related to cultural conflict that is likely to arise. An Agile culture runs counter to the traditional DoD acquisition culture in many ways, from oversight and team structure to end-user interaction throughout development. In our interviews with successful DoD Agile projects, we have consistently confirmed that adopting Agile methods requires a mindset change for government program management offices and other acquisition entities the projects interact with, such as the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD). The first step in effecting a culture change of this type is to understand the differences in assumptions, shared values, and artifacts that make up the cultures of Agile projects and those of more traditional projects as executed in the DoD [Schein 2009]. 10 These are generalizations and by nature will not be present as stated in every Agile or DoD traditional program situation. Some DoD program offices, for example, have created excellent collaboration structures through the judicious use of integrated product teams.
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Advancing Criminal Justice Reform” see the link below. Please prepare to formulate a proposal
basedon a prevention or intervention program for responding to a grant by creating a cogent
problem statement.
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Weekly Journals 65
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Describe in detail what legal and/or ethical dilemma means to you as an independent researcher. For this section, the maximum/minimum word count is 150 words. Then, describe a program you would like to propose in the form of a proposal (Grant) to address the perceived legal or ethical dilemma in 150 maximum/minimum word count.
Word Count no more than 300 words max/minimum.
You must reference the President Obama Law review in your response.
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