Professional role development
Format MLA Volume of 2 pages (550 words) Description In this paper you will create your own personal philosophy of nursing, a 5-year professional development plan, apply ANA Standards of Professional Performance to your practice, and refine your ideas about your own professional nursing role. See the grading rubric for a more comprehensive description of expectations for this assignment. The ANA Professional Standards should be reviewed and applied throughout this assignment. This library guide for our course will help you find resources to create your assignment. General Guidelines: Create a 5-6 page paper (does not include title page, abstract, and references).
Assignment type : Other types
This assignment is a 5-6 page paper that will help to define and develop your identity as a professional nurse. Your professional decisions are guided by your personal philosophy of nursing, recognized standards of practice, institutional expectations, and the different roles that are practiced by the professional nurse. Hood (2014) reviews the development of our personal philosophies in nursing (Ch. 3, pp. 64-66) and the multiple roles assumed by professional nurses. You have many choices, including expert clinician, nurse manager, leader, educator, or administrator. What might be the place for you, now and in the future?
A minimum of 3 scholarly, peer reviewed articles is required in addition to Hood, and all must be within 5 years old, unless they are classic sources. These articles must be about the topics of the paper. Articles must be focused on the concepts of the paper; nursing philosophy, ANA Standards, role information, etc. Articles about disease process do not count towards this requirement.
Attach the APA checklist to the end of your paper (after reference page). Papers submitted either without the APA checklist or an incomplete APA checklist (no checkmarks) will incur a 5% deduction.
This assignment will be submitted through Turnitin, so be sure to check the similarity score to be sure you have cited all your work. It’s a good idea to plan ahead to have enough time for receipt of the similarity index and for possible correction before the assignment deadline. Resubmissions may take a little longer to be returned.
Important tip: gauge the length and depth of your responses based upon the weight of the question in the grading rubric. For example, if a question is worth 5 points, you will write a much shorter narrative, less depth and detail compared to a section worth 10 or 20 points. Also, for the most part, 1-2 sentence responses are often not enough to earn full credit.
Sending your work to the writing center by Wednesday 5pm enables you to get APA feedback prior to the Sunday due date. Keep in mind you don’t have to have the entire paper done by Wednesday, for the writing tutor does not give you feedback on content, just APA. Best advice is to plan ahead.
As with all the requirements in this and other courses, depth and breadth is key to scholarly writing, and writing in a succinct manner is an equally important skill. Word and page min/max requirements must be maintained, otherwise point deductions will occur.