reflective learning journal
Format MLA
Academic Level: –
Volume of 2 pages (550 words)
Assignment type : Research Paper
Assessment 4 Individual Reflective Learning Journal – Worth: 40%
In this individually written assignment you will apply discipline knowledge and critical analytical thinking (practiced in classes during the course of the unit) to deepen your understanding of the global managerial skills needed in a specific cultural context. You will also have a chance to put your research and written communication skills into practice and to test the ethics of your academic integrity.
You are required to choose ONE article from quality press sources (online versions or hard copies of newspapers and magazines, crucially NOT academic journals) not older than two years and conduct an original analysis of the article using the Global Management Model by Steers, Nardon, Sanchez-Runde (2013). Students are encouraged to select media articles relating to Indigenous people in the context of the relevant cultural and ethical managerial questions discussed in seminars.
When you submit your assignment to Turnitin, you will also have to include a copy of the article you have analysed (this could be inserted as a digital copy/screenshot attached to the assignment).
This assessment requires you to produce a well-written and well-researched critical analytical piece supported by a minimum of 12 references from scholarly (peer-reviewed) sources other than your textbooks. It is vital in this (and any other) assignment to produce an original and well-referenced text that strictly complies with Curtin’s guidelines on Academic Integrity ( Please be aware that serious penalties (including failed assignment) apply for cases of plagiarism and cheating. You may find the university resources on essay writing skills useful for this assignment (
The expected length of this assignment is 2500 words excluding references and with 4% (100 words) of acceptable leeway. You are required to use 12-point font, 1.5 line spacing, even left and right margin adjustment, clear essay structure and a consistent referencing style. The assignment should answer (but not be limited to) the following four questions:
• What do you see as challenges for a global manager?
• Discuss the area(s) (cultural, organisational or situational environments) a global manager needs to develop a good understanding of.
• Discuss the global management skills that need to be developed in order for a manager to be effective and successful.
• What are the ethical implications in this case?
To be able to tackle the questions above, students are allowed and expected to make substantiated projections and assumptions, based on the contents of the article.