

Description  Details  Attached Files (3)

Discipline English Language

Assignment type : Essay

Format MLA

Academic Level: –

Volume of 2 pages (550 words)

Type of service: Custom writing

Essay 2 Assignment

 “You make judgments and share your opinions all the times. For examples, you may have complained to a friend that your expensive new athletic shoes don’t provide each arch support, argued with a coworker about the results of Top Chef, or tried to persuade your family that Disney World would be a good vacation spot. Your task in this chapter is to share your opinion with a wider audience by writing an essay that evaluates something you feel strongly about. You (or your instructor) may decide to approach this assignment in one of several ways:

             Evaluate a product you are familiar with.

             Evaluate a performance you have seen.

             Evaluate a place you have been to.”

Guidelines and Requirements

             Must be typed in MLA format. I will accept APA format if you prefer this style.

             The Discovery Process must be completed for Essay 2.  This means that you must bring for your homework (for credit); if you miss the homework, you must turn in with your essay

             MINIMUM of FIVE or SIX paragraphs.

o             Introduction, with thesis

o             3-4 body paragraphs

o             Conclusion

             ONE OUTSIDE SOURCE allowed, but not required

  • You MAY use one piece of expert testimony in your essay. I will be evaluating if this is included correctly using your chosen style (MLA or APA)

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Fges (6 pages)

Type of service: Custom writing