Harley Davidson Enterprise Software selection
Format MLA Description ONLY choose this website: Harvard Business Review Website: https://hbr.org/store/case-studies Total 10 slides and answer the 3 Questions.
Academic Level: –
Volume of 2 pages (550 words)
Assignment type : PowerPoint Presentation
Founded in a shed in 1903 when William Harley and Arthur Davidson began experiments on “taking the work out of bicycling.” • By 1920 – largest motorcycle manufacturer in the world • Heavy reliance on teamwork, including the CIO role, which was split among 3 people • Collaborative effort underway to develop the specs for an integrated procurement system to support the new Supply Management Strategy (SMS)
• Questions: • Who should they choose as their supplier and partner in implementing an ERP? • On what criteria should that decision be based? • Had they done everything possible to enable them to make the right decision?