New order: Topic: human resources
Learning outcomes What is research? What does it mean to be ‘original’? Main types of dissertation Desk type Empirical Involves only you (researcher) Desk Type………. Data analysis – may be difficult; application e.g. (i) document analysis techniques (ii) content analysis technique For quantitative data, MS Excel, IBM SPSS may be used Empirical…….. Data analysis – may be easy using software such as Advice See and discuss with your supervisor Chapter 1: Introduction Marks for this Ch. including Problem Formulation: 10% Literature review – In this chapter discuss the strengths and weaknesses of all the literature in the academic area on your topic that you have read Chapter 2…….. This chapter – between 3,000 and 3,700 words long Marks for Literature review and theory : 15% Have the methods and techniques you selected any limitations? Research design………
> Pages:13, Double spaced (3575 words)
> Sources:20 to 30 sources.
> Order type:dissertation
> subject:Business
> Academic paper
> Style:Harvard
> Language:English (U.K.)
> Order Description
> harvard referencing,i want the writer to choose my dissertation topic ( let me have your topic of choice?) . and please do research proposal, chapter 1,2 and thanks no similarity
> The disseration topic should relate the human resources course. becasue im currenly doing business human resources course.
Dissertation – Tips
Understand what a dissertation is
Ability to write and structure your final year dissertation
What is a dissertation?
It is an extended scholarly essay, publication advancing a new point of view resulting from an independent original research that is submitted for an academic qualification
Research is an activity that people
undertake in order to find out new things
in a systematic way, thereby increasing
their knowledge. (Saunders et al 2009, p 5)
Saying something nobody has said before
Carrying out empirical work that has not been done before
Trying out something in this country that has previously been done elsewhere
Taking a new technique and applying it to a new area
Being cross-disciplinary and using different methodologies
Looking at topics that people in my discipline have not looked at before e.g. IT and Travel
Desk Type
Based solely on literature – using only the library/databases
e.g. books, tapes, journals, videos, company reports
and the literature
of data analysis techniques to text
You (the researcher),
Participants ( people, orgs, respondents, society)
Involves you (researcher) using your senses to collect data on opinions, views, observation or experience, life histories and feelings of people.
Interviews, focus groups, observation
e.g. watching people as they
perform tasks, engage in
discussions, asking questions,
making notes, tape and video
‘go out to encounter directly
your object of study’
SPSS/PASW for quantitative data
NViVo for qualitative data
Before selecting desk type or empirical study:
Examine your own skills, knowledge, abilities, experience and interests
Structure of the Dissertation
The dissertation should be between 10,000 and 12,000 words, see Dissertation Module Guide p.17
(Hint: Every 1,000 words, reference 7-10 literature)
Total number of References: 70 – 120
Useful to regularly read the document:
Module Guide 2014/2015
The structure being illustrated here is just a guide;
It is not a template
it does not mean you have to follow it religiously to the letter; e.g. you may add to the number of chapters, literature
Structure of the Dissertation
Title on 1 page
Abstract (the term is used in an academic report) on 1 page
Summary of your research topic, the main themes, methodology of the research and the main findings
Executive summary (the term used in a business report) on 1 page
A summary of the practical problem, your analysis and your alternative solutions
Your recommendations
Acknowledgement on 1 page
Include anyone who helped you with your research; only those who have made significant contribution to your research
Table of Contents on 1 or 2 pages
Major elements of the dissertation and their page numbers
Structure of the Dissertation – Suggestion
List of Tables on 1 page
Summary of analysis, tables
List of Figures on 1 page
Summary of analysis, diagrams, charts
Body of Dissertation ( Example: the dissertation could be Chapters 1- 7; or Chps. 1-8, or Chps. 1-9
start each chapter on a new page)
Anything that might be useful for understanding the dissertation but is not important to go in the main text
References (Harvard Reference System)
Include materials of other writers’ work that you have cited in your dissertation
Brief background to the Study
Problem formulation – evidence, reference from the literature; may include anecdotal evidences
Sub problems; what are the implications of these problems? evidence/references from the literature, anecdotal evidences
Research questions
Why you think the study is important; significance of the study; contribution of the study
Briefly explain how the rest of the dissertation is
This chapter – between 1,100 and 1200 words long
Chapter 2 Literature review
Gaps in the literature
Literature – research that has already been carried out and published and relevant to your area of interest/topic
Sources – Referred journals, non-refereed journals, books, official documents, theses, research reports
Useful academic databases
Business Source Premier
Science Direct
Search using key words
Example: Human Resource IS implementation in Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa
Developing countries
Developing economies
Low and middle income countries
Low and limited resource setting
Chapter 2 ………
Discuss, briefly the research problems, appropriateness of theories, methods, analysis techniques used and conclusions in the literature that you have read
Summarise what you have read and comment on the gaps in the literature in the area of interest/topic
Discuss how your study fits in with the literature review; locate the research problem in the review
Comment on the theory, hypotheses, concepts that you are using for your research; give reasons why you have chosen this theory, or hypotheses or concepts
Between 60 – 70 literature; the more the better
Chapter 3: Research design and methodology
In this chapter discuss how you went about designing
the study, methods and strategies
1. Research Design
Research setting and rational
Research respondents & rational
Sampling techniques and rational
Timeframe and rational
2. Methodology
Discuss strengths and weaknesses of quant. and qual. methods
Choice – quantitative or qualitative method and rational
Choice -mixed method and rational
Data collection and analysis techniques and rational
Research strategy and rationale
Research design
Describe the data collection instrument
Show how concepts from the study’s theory are operationalised
Research design cont…
Explain the qualitative interview schedule
How did you address or minimised the limitations?
3. Validity and reliability
Explain how you addressed data validity and reliability issues
example: Cronbach’s alpha coefficient test = .7
Pilot test – data collection instrument
Respondent feedback on interview
4. Research ethics
Explain how you addressed ethical issues:
consent form, voluntarism, confidentiality, anonymity
privacy, avoid discomfort, data protection act,
Professional code of ethics e.g. BERA, culture
This chapter – 1,000 and 1,100 words long
Marks for Research design and Methodology: 15%
Standard of presentation
Structure of the dissertation; clear storyline; synergy
No spelling or grammatical errors
Clarity of expressions
Coherence of argument; logic
Wide range of references 100 – 120
Use of computer skills
Use of acknowledgement, appendices
Avoid Plagiarism
Use Harvard Referencing System in
references, bibliography
IMPORTANT: An excellent dissertation will be able to
demonstrate the SYNERGY which links all the above chapters
and the ideas into a coherent analysis; clear storyline
Marks for Standard of Presentation: 15%
Grand Total: 100%