Social Policy For Children
3. Which educational policy or program over the past 100 years has best served the American child? Give background on the policy/program and provide justification as to why you believe it is important.
volume: 2 pages
Style: HarvardUS English
Assignment Instruction
Suggested reading:Family Involvement in Education: How Important Is It? What Can Legislators Do? – KarenBogenschneider and Carol Johnson:
A Family Perspective on the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part C – Elizabeth Gross:
In a 2-page paper (roughly 500-600 words), respond to the following:1. Chose one of the nine roles that professionals can play in the policy arena from Bogenschneider: Chapter 14. (files attached – Ch 14_nine roles 1 & 2.pdf) Find a new case study that represents that role (do not use the example provided in the text).
Examples in the text:- Analyzing Data to Provide the Information That Policymakers Need (University of Miami Researchers)- Collecting and Analyzing Data on Child and Family Well-Being in the Nation, States, and Municipalities (Kids Count)- Gathering Data to Implement the Family Preservation and Family Support Act (The University of Kentucky)- Bringing Together High-Ranking State Agency Officials (Welfare Peer Assistance Network)- Family Economic Success Project (National Conference of State Legislatures)- Comparing a Family Intervention to a Nonfamily Intervention (Oregon Social Learning Center’s Treatment Foster Care)- Using Results-Based Accountability to Measure State Progress Toward Child and Family Goals (The State of Oregon’s Benchmarks Initiative)- Providing High-Quality, Accessible Research Through the Future of Children Journal (Princeton University and the Brookings Institution)- Writing Policy Briefs (Society for Research in Child Development)- The World Family Map (Child Trends)- Disseminating Research Through Press Releases (The Society for Research in Child Development)- Advocating for Social and Behavioral Science Research (Consortium of Social Science Associations)- Conducting Family Impact Analysis of Policies (The Coalition of Family Organizations)- Family Impact Analyses of Executive Orders or Laws (Federal and State Governments)- Using Family Impact Analysis to Foster Family-Friendly Communities (Premier’s Council in Support of Alberta Families)- Teaching Family Impact Analysis to the Public (The University of Minnesota Children’s Summit)- Teaching College Courses That Provide Hands-On Policy Experience (University of Wyoming’s Child Care Think Tank Course)- Web Resources for Teaching College Classes on Family Policy (The Family Impact Institute)- Engaging Citizens on Family Issues (Family Life 1st in Wayzata, Minnesota)- Engaging Citizens in Public Deliberation (National Issues Forums)- Developing a National Movement for Families (Belgium’s League of Families—The Bond)- Building Intra-University and University-Community Collaboration (Office of Child Development, the University of Pittsburgh)- Building Cross-State Policy Collaborations (The Family Impact Institute, University of Wisconsin-Madison/Extention)
2. View the following 2-part video clips regarding Individualized Education Plans (IEP)
Part One
Part Two
(a) What should and shouldn’t parents do at a IEP meeting?(b) If your child had an IEP what would your priorities be for them?