Volume : 41 pages Subject: Business paper Type: Dissertation Joint Ventures in the Oil and Gas Industry For the Oil and Gas Services Industry in an era of globalization and nationalization, the challenge of doing business in emerging markets has become ever more complex. Estimates of the world’s hydrocarbon reserves indicate a shift from West to East where National Oil Companies now hold greater reserves than the previously dominant Western Oil Companies. For the Western based Service Providers that have historically supplied much of the capability and technology in hydrocarbon extraction, this presents challenges not least of which is adapting to different cultural and business norms. Likewise for the development of indigenous capability and experience in these developing markets, local companies must pursue a strategy of knowledge and experience acquisition that enables their sustainable growth and development to a standard on par with international providers if they are to be competitive. Chapter 1-Introduction
Style: Harvard
US English
Sources 50 to 60 sources (mainly 2005 to 2015)
– The Case of Abu Dhabi
This study draws on the author’s observations of an Abu Dhabi Oil and Gas industry joint venture between a Multi-National Company and a Local Partner, utilizing a phenomenological, case study approach. The drivers and dominant themes are identified, and the outcome in terms of the JV’s achievements are assessed in an attempt to determine the effectiveness of the collaboration and whether this route provides the optimal strategy for market penetration and competitiveness for the MNC, and opportunity for growth and development for the Local Partner. An in-depth interview process is conducted with the management of both partners and serves as the predominant repository of data from which conclusions are drawn and recommendations made.
Reviewing the Literature and via a phenomenological analysis of the data gleaned through the case study, dominant themes surrounding the importance of trust and relationships emerge as the central facet of what a successful venture of this type involves. Based on the stability and effective working relationship that forms the foundation of this joint venture, and the resultant ongoing success relative to its penetration and engagement within the Abu Dhabi market, this study posits that the joint venture approach can deliver a route beneficial to both foreign and local partner alike despite potential differences in culture, outlook and priorities.
The purpose of this chapter is to justify the topic of the dissertation or research project as being worthy of research.
To do this successful the student should:
• Introduce the topic and its context.
• Locate the topic within current academic literature.
• Draw from non-academic literature sources (e.g. specific company literature, government reports, newspapers etc.) to demonstrate the wider relevance of the topic.
• Show the contemporary nature of the study.
• Present the research questions to be studied as a logical consequence of the argument they have constructed.
• Summarise the chapter and introduce the next chapter.
(Proportion of word count, approximately 10%)
Chapter 2- Literature Review
Do not cut and paste text into the literature review.
The purpose of this chapter is to review and critically analyse the academic literature pertinent to the research question(s) this chapter also provides material to be used in the data collection stage.
To do this successfully the student should:
• Ensure the reviewed literature is relevant by using the research question(s) as sub-headings, at least in the draft stage.
• Demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the academic debates relevant to their topic.
• Critically analyse key contributions, identifying their strengths and weaknesses, testing their internal consistency, and acknowledging and presenting the inevitable counter-arguments.
• Avoid presenting literature uncritically this does not demonstrate understanding.
• Avoid presenting only the positive side of an argument, as a researcher he/she must acknowledge and evaluate the negative aspects of their chosen topic.
• Summarise the chapter and introduce the next chapter.
(Word count 30%)
Chapter 3-Research Methodology
The purpose of this chapter is to justify the research methodology chosen by the student as following accepted academic convention.
To do this successfully the student should:
• Support and substantiate his/her claims throughout with reference to appropriate research methodology literature.
• Justify the research strategy chosen.
• Ensure the strategy is consistent with his/her identified research approach (qualitative or quantitative for example).
• Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the type of research approach chosen and the data collection methods employed.
• Identify the limitations of the research.
• Summarise the chapter and introduce the next chapter.
(Word count 15%)
Chapter 4-Results, Analysis & Discussion
The purpose of this chapter is to present the data and analyse the findings in relation to the literature reviewed in chapter two.
To do this successfully the student should:
• Ensure relevance by using the research questions as sub-headings, at least in the draft stage.
• Present the data in a clear and coherent manner, using tables, graphs etc. as he/she sees fit.
• Critically discuss the findings in relation to the literature in chapter two, identifying areas of agreement and disagreement, and give some thought as to why the results he/she obtained were so.
• Identify any results that were puzzling or unexpected and consider why this was so.
• Summarise the chapter and introduce the next chapter.
(Word count 35%)
Chapter 5 – Conclusions, Implications & Recommendations
The purpose of this chapter is to conclude the study by drawing together all the key points and to identify recommendations drawn from the research.
To do this successfully the student should:
• Conclude the study effectively by drawing together all the main issues, state their implications and make recommendations – presenting them in a coherent narrative.
• Reflect upon the process of the research identifying what went well and what should have been done differently.
• Identify the limitations of the study.
• Identify any areas of further study highlighted during the research process.
• Include any personal/professional reflections.
• Summarise the whole of the study.
(Word count 10%)
Guidelines on format and presentation
Your Masters Dissertation or Research Project is the most important single piece of work that you will complete in working towards achievement of your degree. It is important to present your dissertation according to the general standards expected throughout UK higher education. The following sets out the standards as they apply to your programme at Wolverhampton Business School although your supervisor may recommend slight variations dependent upon your subject area and approach to the research project.
The masters dissertation or research project study is to be word processed and printed using clear typeface (i.e. typically Times New Roman, Arial or similar; not italic or fancy type), in a permanent and legible form. Where copies are produced by any means they must be of permanent nature.
A4 paper of good quality and sufficient opacity (typically 70g/sq.m white) should be used. Only one side of the paper should be used. A left hand margin of 30/40mm should be used, to allow for binding; right hand margins should be 20mm.
Chapters should start on a new page. 12 point size typeface and line spacing of 1.5 should be used for typescript of the main text, except for indented quotations and footnotes when single spacing may be used. New paragraphs should begin flush with the left hand margin. Any abbreviations used should be those in normal use; where necessary a key to abbreviations should be provided.
Pages numbers must be numbered consecutively throughout the text. Pages numbers should be located centrally at the bottom of each page.
Main elements (indicative)
Title page
Abstract (200-300 words)
Table of contents
List of illustrations and tables
Definitions and/or abbreviations
Main body of text
Introduction and aims of research
Review of the literature
Methodology and data collection techniques
Results, Analysis & Discussion
Conclusion, implications & recommendations (including strengths and weaknesses of your research and further research to be done)
Appendices (optional, and normally not in excess of 20 pages)
Glossary (optional)
Literature search references
References of items cited in the text
Bibliography of key items read but not cited in the text